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ISVS Awards

ISVS Awards


(Citation and Certificate)
(For overall contributions in the field of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology)


  1. The award will be designated as "Fellow of ISVS” (FISVS)
  2. The Fellowship is open to regular serving teachers/Scientists 45 years and above of age, working in the discipline of Veterinary Surgery, Anesthesiology, Radiology and Imaging in Veterinary collage/ Veterinary or Agriculture University/ related Institutions in India.
  3. The applicant should possess Master’s degree / Ph.D. in the field of Veterinary Surgery, Anesthesiology Radiology and Imaging.
  4. The applicant aspiring to become Fellow of the Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery should have at least 20 years of professional experience as regular Assistant Professor/ equivalent  & above in the field of Surgery, Anesthesiology and Radiology and Imaging excluding study leaves/ ad-hoc appointment.
  5. The candidate must have completed minimum of 8 years as regular Professor / equivalent & above.
  6. Applicant should be a life member of the ISVS for at least 20 years (attach copy of life member certificate), have participated in at least Ten ISVS symposium (Enclose list). Apart from participation, the applicant should have also presented at least Ten papers including oral presentation/ lead papers in the ISVS symposium.( attach relevant documents).
  7. He/ She have published at least 8 full research papers in Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery as 1st and/or 2nd author besides other publications in national and international journals of repute having NAAS Rating of 5.0 and above. (Routine single case report will not be considered).
  8. Twenty most important publications having NAAS rating 6.0 and above should be listed and reprints/hard copies of the papers so listed should also be attached.
  9. The applicant should have high professional acumen with teaching innovations, quality scientific publications, authored books, patents, award and honors to his/ her credit. Scientific achievements and work carried out in different categories need to be provided in the separate sub-heads as mentioned in the Performa along-with proof.
  10. The applicant should not have any inquiry or criminal case pending against him/her. An undertaking to this effect should be given by the applicant.
  11. Nominator/Proposer while sending the proposal to bestow Fellow ISVS/ must send a precise statement limited to 150 words on nominee’s professional and scientific achievements in accordance to the guidelines for Fellow ISVS, which form the basis for nomination/proposal signed by the proposer. In absence of such statement, the proposal will be considered incomplete and will not be considered for Fellowship.
  12. The application should be accompanied by a bank demand draft for a sum of Rs 5000/- in favor of Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery (ISVS) and payable at the Society Headquarters (Hisar) towards application fee (non-refundable).
  13. Eligible and desirous candidates may submit duly filled application form in the prescribed format along with necessary documents, draft of Rs.5000/ and recommendation of two eminent senior ISVS Fellows, which should reach to the Executive  Secretary before the date announced for submission each year.
  14. Application(s) of candidate(s) who is not fulfilling any of the minimum eligibility requirements or have not provided complete/correct information as per application format or without prescribed demand draft orrecommendation of two eminent senior Fellow ISVS will be liable for outright rejection. Such application(s) should not be forwarded to Accreditation / Evaluation committee by the Executive Secretary.
  15. An Accreditation / Evaluation committee consisting of three eminent senior life members shall be appointed to evaluate the suitability of the candidate for award   of Fellow ISVS. The Executive Secretary of the Society shall be Ex-Officio member and shall act as member secretary of the committee.
  16. The Accreditation / Evaluation Committee will be approved by General Body on recommendation of Executive Council. The term of office of the Accreditation / Evaluation committee shall be of two years. Other than the Executive Secretary, no member of the Executive Council shall be member of the Accreditation / Evaluation committee.
  17. The Accreditation / Evaluation committee shall recommend the names to bestow Fellow ISVS for approval of the Executive Council and General body of Indian Society of veterinary Surgery. While recommending a candidate for Fellow ISVS the Accreditation /Evaluation committee is to provide full justification in recommendation with the Evaluation Matrix.
  18. Accreditation / Evaluation committee or its member will not be empowered to relax any clause of the minimum eligibility criteria.
  19. A member of the Accreditation / Evaluation committee during his/her tenure including Executive Secretary and other office bearers for ISVS shall not be considered for award of fellow ISVS.
  20. The total number of fellows should not exceed 10% of the total number of life members. When a regular fellow retires from active service, the vacancy created may be filled up. Application to bestow Fellow ISVS should be invited alternate year/ in cyclic manner.
  21. Total number of fellow ISVS appointed each year shall not exceed more than FOUR.
  22. A fellow ISVS shall receive a citation and certificate of honor.The award shall be awarded by the President of the Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery at Annual Conferences of the Society.
  23. A hard as well as soft copy of list of Fellow ISVS with all related documents should be maintained and kept at HQ secretariat (Executive/ Joint/ Additional Secretary, as the case may be) for record.

Note:  All entries should be typed as per application format


1. Application Form DOWNLOAD
2. Nomination Form DOWNLOAD




(Citation and Certificate)
(For overall contributions in the field of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology)


  1. The award will be designated as “Associate Fellow of ISVS” (AFISVS).
  2. The Associate Fellowship is open to serving Young Teachers/Scientists below 45 years of age, working in the discipline of Veterinary Surgery, Anesthesiology, Radiology and imaging in Veterinary college/ Agriculture or Veterinary University/ related Institutions in India. Age will be calculated on basis of last date of application.
  3. The applicant must possess Master/ Ph.D. degree in the field of Veterinary Surgery, Anesthesiology Radiology and Imaging.
  4. The applicant aspiring to become Associate Fellow of the Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery should have at least 10 years of working experience as regular Assistant Professor/ equivalent and above excluding study leave/ad-hoc appointment.
  5. The applicant should be Life member of ISVS for minimum of Ten years and should have attended at least five ISVS Conferences / Symposia (attach copy of Life member certificate and proof of attending ISVS conferences).
  6. Apart from participation in symposium the applicant should have also presented at least five papers including oral presentation/ lead papers in the ISVS symposium
  7. The applicant should have at least five research papers in Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery having 1st and/or 2nd author besides other publications in Journals of repute having good NAAS Rating 5 and above. Routine single case report will not be considered.
  8. Ten most important publications having NAAS rating 6.0 and above should be listed and reprints/hard copies of the papers so listed should also be attached.
  9. Scientific achievements and work carried out in different categories need to be provided in the separate sub-heads as mentioned in the Performa along-with proof.
  10. The applicant should not have any inquiry or criminal case pending against him/her (Employer certificate to this effect should be enclosed).
  11. The criteria for selection will be academic/ scientific excellence based on scientific contributions as reflected by publications, paper presentations in national/ international conference, awards, honours, clinical skill, processes and technologies developed etc.( Proof for claims made in different columns should be attached).
  12. Eligible candidates (fulfilling eligibility criteria mentioned above) may submit duly filled application form in the prescribed format with necessary documents along with the recommendations of at least two ISVS fellows (Nominator/Proposer) before last date as announced by the Executive Secretary each year.
  13. Nominator/Proposer while sending the proposal to bestow Associate Fellow must send a precise statement limited to 120 words on nominee’s professional and scientific achievements in accordance to the guidelines for Associate Fellow ISVS, which form the basis for nomination/proposal signed by the In absence of such statement, the proposal will be considered incomplete.
  14. The application should be accompanied by a bank demand draft in favour of Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery (ISVS) and payable at the Society Headquarters (HISAR) for a sum of Rs. 2000/- (non-refundable) towards application fee.
  15. Duly completed Application Form in prescribed format (hard copy and soft copy on CD) along with necessary documents and draft of Rs.2000/ and recommendation of two ISVS Fellows should reach to Additional Secretary at Society Headquarters (HISAR) by the 30thJune or before the date as announced by the Executive Secretary each year of nomination.
  16. Application(s) of candidate(s) who is not fulfilling any of the minimum eligibility requirements mentioned above or have provided incomplete/ incorrect information as per application format or without prescribed demand draft or without recommendation of two ISVS Fellows will be liable for outright rejection. Such application(s) should not be considered and should not be forwarded to Accreditation / Evaluation committee for evaluation.
  17. An Accreditation / Evaluation committee consisting of three eminent life members shall be appointed to evaluate the suitability of the candidate for award of Associate Fellow of ISVS. The Executive Secretary/ Additional secretary of the Society shall be Ex-Officio member and shall act as member secretary of the committee.
  18. The Accreditation / Evaluation Committee will be approved by General Body on recommendation of Executive Council. The term of office of the Accreditation / Evaluation committee shall be of two years. Other than the Executive Secretary/ Additional secretary no member of the Executive Council shall be member of the Accreditation / Evaluation committee.
  19. The Accreditation Evaluation / committee shall recommend the names to bestow Associate Fellow for approval of the Executive Council and General Body of Indian Society of veterinary Surgery. While recommending a candidate for Associate Fellow the Accreditation /Evaluation committee is to provide full justification in recommendation with the   Evaluation Matrix
  20. The accreditation Committee is not empowered to relax any eligibility clause of regulations.
  21. A member of the Accreditation / Evaluation committee during his tenure including any office bearers of the Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery shall not be considered for award of the Associate fellow.
  22. Total number of Associate Fellow ISVS appointed each year shall not exceed more than FOUR. Applications to bestow Associate Fellow ISVS should be invited alternate year/ in cyclic manner.
  23. An Associate fellow shall receive a citation and certificate of honor. The award shall be awarded by the President of the Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery at Annual Conferences of the Society.
  24. A proper record both in hard and soft forms of Associate Fellows with all related documents will be maintained at Head quarter (Hisar)  by secretariat (Executive/ Joint/ Additional Secretary, as the case may be)

Note:  All entries should be typed as per application format


1. Application Form DOWNLOAD
2. Nomination Form DOWNLOAD



(Citation, Certificate, Memento and Shawl)
(For overall contributions in the field of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology)

  • Dr J M Nigam lifetime achievement award for excellence in Ruminant Surgery
  • Dr Amresh Kumar lifetime achievement award for excellence in Anaesthesiology
  • Dr A P Singh lifetime achievement award for excellence in Radiology and Imaging
  • Dr Gajraj Singh lifetime achievement award for excellence in Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Dr S C Pathak lifetime achievement award for excellence in Wild & Zoo Animal Surgery


  1. Award will be designated as Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence
  2. The Award will be bestowed upon to an eminent Teacher/ Scientists 55 years and above of age working in the discipline of Veterinary Surgery, Anesthesiology, Radiology and Imaging in Veterinary collage/ Agriculture or Veterinary University/ related Institution in India.
  3. The applicant should possess Master’s degree / Ph.D. in the field of Veterinary Surgery, Anesthesiology Radiology and Imaging
  4. Applicant should have at least 25 years of regular professional experience as Assistant Professor & above excluding study leaves/ ad hoc appointment (Attach proofs).
  5. The candidate must have completed minimum of 10 years as regular Professor / Equivalent or above.
  6. He/she should be a life member of the ISVS for at least 30 years. (attach copy of life member certificate)
  7. He/ She should have actively participated in at least 15 ISVS symposium. Apart from participation the applicant should have also presented at least 15 papers including oral presentation/ lead papers in the ISVS
  8. He/ She have published at least 30 full research papers in area of concerned Excellence, of which minimum of 10 publications should be in Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery as 1st and/or 2nd In addition to this other research publications in national and international journals of repute having NAAS Rating 5.0 and above in area of concerned Excellence. Routine single case report will not be considered. However Three rare Clinical Case Reports (First or Second author) based on the application of his/her research findings having NAAS Rating 5.0 and above in the area of concerned Excellence may be considered as one publication.
  9. Twenty five most important publications having NAAS rating 6.0 and above should be listed and reprints/hard copies of the papers so listed should also be attached.
  10. The person should have high professional acumen with teaching/ research innovations, outstanding contributions in the concerned area of Excellence as evidenced by quality scientific publications, lead papers presentations in conferences/ symposium/ seminars, authored books, patents granted, awards and honours to his/ her credit.
  11. Nominator/Proposer while sending the proposal to bestow Life Time Achievement for Excellence must send a precise statement limited to 200 words on nominee’s professional and scientific achievements in accordance to the guidelines of Life Time Achievement for Excellence, which forms the basis for nomination/proposal signed by the proposer. In absence of such statement, the proposal will be considered incomplete
  12. Eligible and desirous candidate(s) may submit duly filled application in the prescribed format providing detail information with necessary documents along with the recommendations of at least two eminent senior Fellow ISVS working in the thrust areas of Veterinary Surgery, Anesthesiology, Radiology and imaging to the Executive Secretary on or before the date announced each year.
  13. . Application(s) of candidate(s) who is not fulfilling any of the minimum eligibility requirements or have not provided complete/correct information as per application format or without recommendation of two eminent senior Fellow ISVS will be liable for outright rejection. Such application(s) should not be forwarded to Accreditation / Evaluation committee by the Executive Secretary.
  14. An accreditation / Evaluation committee consisting of three senior eminent life members shall be appointed to screen and to evaluate the candidature(s) based on detail information provided as per application format. The Executive Secretary of the Society shall be Ex-Officio member and shall act as member secretary of the committee. The term of office of the Committee shall be of two years. Other than the Executive Secretary, no member of the Executive Committee shall be member of the accreditation committee.
  15. The accreditation /Evaluation Committee will be approved by General Body on recommendation of the Executive council of the Society. The committee shall recommend the name(s) with full justification in recommendation for approval of the Executive Council and the General Body of the Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery to bestow the Award.
  16. A member of the Accreditation / Evaluation committee during his tenure including the Executive Secretary and other office bearers for ISVS shall not be considered for award.
  17. Accreditation / Evaluation committee or its member will not be empowered to relax any clause of the minimum eligibility criteria.
  18. Maximum of one Lifetime Achievement for Excellence is to bestow in each category at a time .
  19. The awardees(s) will deliver a presentation of his/ her works in the area of excellence, its significance, applications etc. before all the delegates attending the annual conference in concerned technical session.
  20. The award will be bestowed only after presentation by the recommended candidate(s).
  21. The awardees will be honoured with citation, certificate, momento and shawlduring the inaugural function of the annual convention.
  22. An announcement regarding the Awards for Excellence will be made along with other awards in the Symposium brochure, as followed routinely.

Note:  All entries should be typed as per application format



1. Application Form DOWNLOAD
2. Nomination Form DOWNLOAD



(Citation, Certificate, Memento and Shawl)
(For overall contributions in the field of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology)


  1. The award shall be given in cyclic manner to an individual in recognition for his/ her significant outstanding contributions in the field of Veterinary Surgery, Anaesthesiology, Radiology and Imaging as a teacher/ researcher/ Extension worker and academic administrator.
  2. The potential nominee has attained an age of 50 years and should be a life member of the society for minimum 15 years.
  3. The candidate(s) fulfilling the above criteria shall apply for the award to the Executive Secretary on a prescribed format at least prior to date announced by the Executive Secretary to the symposium as under:
    • Nominee name, address, mobile no. Life membership no with year.
    • Biographic details of nominee
    • Educational qualifications
    • Positions held
    • Honours and Awards
    • ISVS awards received earlier
    • ISVS executive council positions held earlier
    • A description of contributions made for growth/ development, research, teaching (education) of Veterinary Surgery , Anesthesiology, Radiology and Imaging in India.
    • Relevant supporting documents including copies of 15 best publications having NAAS rating 6 and above.
  1. Minimum of three entries/ applicants is mandatory for competitive evaluation/ screening of applications for the award. In case if number of applicants is less than three, application (s) should be deferred for consideration for next symposium. The applicant should be informed accordingly.In case total applicants are less than three even in next ISVS symposium, the award competition will be scheduled regardless of number of applicant.
  2. The Executive council shall constitute a three member screening committee for a period of 2 years, of which the Executive secretary will be the member secretary.
  3. The screening committee shall submit list of eligible candidates in order of merit with justification to the Executive secretary
  4. The executive secretary will put the names before the executive council for approval.
  5. The awardee will be honoured with citation, certificate, momento and shawl during the inaugural function of the annual convention.
  6. It is one time award for the applicant, the application will not be considered again for the same award.



1. Application Form DOWNLOAD



(Citation, Certificate, Memento and Shawl)
(For overall contributions in the field of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology)


  1. The award shall be given in cyclic manner to an individual in recognition for his/ her significant outstanding contributions in the field of Veterinary Surgery, Anaesthesiology, Radiology and Imaging as a teacher/ researcher/ Extension worker and academic administrator.
  2. The potential nominee has attained an age of 50 years and should be a life member of the society for minimum 15 years.
  3. The candidate(s) fulfilling the above criteria shall apply for the award to the Executive Secretary on a prescribed format at least prior to date announced by the Executive Secretary to the symposium as under:
    • Nominee name, address, mobile no. Life membership no with year.
    • Biographic details of nominee
    • Educational qualifications
    • Positions held
    • Honours and Awards
    • ISVS awards received earlier
    • ISVS executive council positions held earlier
    • A description of contributions made for growth/ development, research, teaching (education) of Veterinary Surgery , Anesthesiology, Radiology and Imaging in India.
    • Relevant supporting documents including copies of 15 best publications having NAAS rating 6 and above.
  1. Minimum of three entries/ applicants is mandatory for competitive evaluation/ screening of applications for the award. In case if number of applicants is less than three, application (s) should be deferred for consideration for next symposium. The applicant should be informed accordingly.In case total applicants are less than three even in next ISVS symposium, the award competition will be scheduled regardless of number of applicant.
  2. The Executive council shall constitute a three member screening committee for a period of 2 years, of which the Executive secretary will be the member secretary.
  3. The screening committee shall submit list of eligible candidates in order of merit with justification to the Executive secretary
  4. The executive secretary will put the names before the executive council for approval.
  5. The awardee will be honoured with citation, certificate, momento and shawl during the inaugural function of the annual convention.
  6. It is one time award for the applicant, the application will not be considered again for the same award.


1. Application Form DOWNLOAD



(Citation, Certificate, Memento and Shawl)
(For overall contributions in the field of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology)


  1. The award shall be given in cyclic manner to an eminent personality who has contributed significantly in the field of Veterinary Sciences including  Wild, Zoo, laboratory and exotic & / Radiology / Imaging/One Health / Animal Resource Development or Rural Development.
  2. Organizing Secretary of ensuing ISVS Conference/ Congress/Symposium will propose names of three eminent personalities from any of the above fields with their professional resumes preferably from region of Venue of symposium to the Executive Secretary at least three months prior to date of symposium.
  3. The Executive Secretary will put up the proposed names of speakers before Executive council to select these eminent persons in order of merit as1st, 2nd and third choice with justification for Oration.  
  4. The Executive Secretary will invite the selected person as per merit to deliver ‘Oration Lecture’ in a special session organized on the first day of the Annual Congress of ISVS.
  5. The Orator will be honoured with Citation, Certificate, Momento and Shawl during the inaugural function of the annual convention/ symposium.

(Citation, Certificate, Memento and Shawl)
(For overall contributions in the field of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology)


  1. The award shall be given in cyclic manner to an eminent personality who has contributed significantly in the field of Veterinary Sciences including  Wild, Zoo, laboratory and exotic & / Radiology / Imaging/One Health / Animal Resource Development or Rural Development.
  2. Organizing Secretary of ensuing ISVS Conference/ Congress/Symposium will propose names of three eminent personalities from any of the above fields with their professional resumes preferably from region of Venue of symposium to the Executive Secretary at least three months prior to date of symposium.
  3. The Executive Secretary will put up the proposed names of speakers before Executive council to select these eminent persons in order of merit as1st, 2nd and third choice with justification for Oration.  
  4. The Executive Secretary will invite the selected person as per merit to deliver ‘Oration Lecture’ in a special session organized on the first day of the Annual Congress of ISVS.
  5. The Orator will be honoured with Citation, Certificate, Momento and Shawl during the inaugural function of the annual convention/ symposium.

(Citation, Certificate, Memento and Shawl)
(For overall contributions in the field of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology)


  1. The award shall be given in cyclic manner to an eminent personality who has contributed significantly in the field of Veterinary Sciences including  Wild, Zoo, laboratory and exotic & / Radiology / Imaging/One Health / Animal Resource Development or Rural Development.
  2. Organizing Secretary of ensuing ISVS Conference/ Congress/Symposium will propose names of three eminent personalities from any of the above fields with their professional resumes preferably from region of Venue of symposium to the Executive Secretary at least three months prior to date of symposium.
  3. The Executive Secretary will put up the proposed names of speakers before Executive council to select these eminent persons in order of merit as1st, 2nd and third choice with justification for Oration.  
  4. The Executive Secretary will invite the selected person as per merit to deliver ‘Oration Lecture’ in a special session organized on the first day of the Annual Congress of ISVS.
  5. The Orator will be honoured with Citation, Certificate, Momento and Shawl during the inaugural function of the annual convention/ symposium.

(Certificate, Memento and Shawl)
(For successful organization of Annual Congress of ISVS and National Symposium)

  • The award is given to the Organizing Secretary who has successfully organized the ISVS symposium.
  • The award shall be presented annually at the time of annual conference of ISVS.
  • Award winner(s) shall receive a Certificate, Memento and Shawl.



(Gold Medal: Certificate and Medal)      (Appreciation Award: Certificate)
(For Best Oral/Poster Presentation during the Technical Session)


  1. There will be two technical session awards which are given in each session for best oral/ poster presentation.
  2. Gold Medal is given to the author(s) of paper adjudged first in each technical session. It comprises of a medal and certificate
  3. Appreciation Certificate is given to the author(s) of paper adjudged second in each technical session. It comprises of a certificate only.
  4. There are eleven technical sessions in ISVS symposium as mentioned below:
    • Anaesthesiology
    • Radiology and Imaging
    • Ruminant Surgery
    • Equine Surgery
    • Small Animal Surgery
    • Orthopedic Surgery
    • Ophthalmology
    • Wild and Zoo Animal Surgery
    • Avian Surgery
    • Large Animal Poster
    • Small Animal Poster


  1. The candidate shall be a life member of ISVS.
  2. He/ She should hold at least MVSc degree in Veterinary Surgery.
  3. The work presented should be of clinical/ basic/ applied in nature related to Veterinary Surgery/ Anaesthesiology/ Radiology/ Imaging.
  4. He/ She should present the paper (Oral/ Poster) in person at the time of symposium.
  5. The work presented for the award should not have been presented for any other award or certificate in ISVS or any other forum.
  6. The paper adjudged for 1st and 2nd positions in each technical session will be the property of ISVS and will be published in IJVS.
  7. The Awardees has to submit three copies of full paper adjudged 1st and 2nd in prescribed format of IJVS within three months of declaration of award for publication in Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery to the chief editor IJVS with an information to executive Secretary of the ISVS  through Email.
  8. The award shall be presented annually at the time of annual conference of ISVS next year provided Awardees have submitted the full presented paper in format of IJVS in specified time. In case of non- submission of full paper(s) the Award (s) will be automatically cancelled.
  9. Award winner(s) shall receive a medal and certificate for 1st position and Appreciation Certificate for 2nd 10.The presentation of paper should be completed in three minutes with two more minutes for discussion
  10. The presentation of paper should be completed in 5 minutes minutes discussion ( 3 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes discussion)
  11. Number of authors should not exceed 6 for a single article to honour the ethical scientific justifiability of the presented work



  1. The Executive Secretary/ Joint Secretary/ Additional Secretary shall appoint a committee of three judges, a chairman and two members who are not competing for the award to determine 1st and 2nd best papers presented in each technical session. The judging committee members should not preferably be from same Institution/ College/University/ State. The Executive Secretary/ Joint Secretary/ Additional Secretary/shall act as Member Secretary to the committee but he will not have any voting power.
  2. The majority decision of the selection committee shall be final. In case all the three judges differ, the final verdict shall be with the President of the ISVS.
  3. The name of the award winners may be declared in the concluding session of the annual conference.
  4. An undertaking has to be submitted by the authors that he/she has no objection for publishing the presented paper(s) adjudged 1st and 2nd in IJVS before declaration of awards.
  5. The judges will have to sign the oath of integrity to ensure and exercise righteousness, transparency and rectitude.

(Certificate and Medal)



  1. The candidate shall be a life member of ISVS for at least 10 years.
  2. He/ She should hold at least M.V.Sc. degree in Veterinary Surgery/ Anesthesiology/ Radiology/ Imaging.
  3. The applicant should be working as Regular Field Veterinarian / Active Private practitioner.
  4. The clinical work presented should be related to Veterinary Surgery/ Anesthesiology/ Radiology/ imaging.
  5. The work presented should have been carried out independently under Indian field conditions.
  6. The work should not be part of MVSc/ PhD thesis and should not be carried out at academic institutions.
  7. The work presented for the award should not have been presented for any other award or certificate in ISVS or any other forum.
  8. The presentation should be completed in 10 minutes ( 8 minutes for presentation with 2 minutes for discussion)
  9. The paper adjudged for award will be property of ISVS and will be published in IJVS.
  10. A certificate to effect of clause 5 to 7 and undertaking for clause 9 have to be submitted with application by the candidate(s)
  11. Minimum of three entries/ applicants is mandatory for competitive evaluation/ screening of applications for the award. In case if number of applicants is less than three, application (s) should be deferred for consideration for next symposium. The applicant should be informed accordingly.In case total applicants are less than three even in next ISVS symposium, the award competition will be scheduled regardless of number of applicant.
  12. The award shall be presented annually at the time of annual conference of ISVS.
  13. Award winner shall receive a certificate and medal.


  1. The candidate contesting for the award shall have to submit abstract of the work in not more than 150 words and complete paper regarding the work (as per the guidelines & format of IJVS) before the last date of receipt of papers for the annual conference to the Executive Secretary through Email.
  2. The candidate should submit his complete bio-data along with necessary certificates in proof of his being in field service/ Private Practitioner and years of service completed.
  3. The candidate should submit a certificate with application that the work presented is originally carried out by him under Indian field conditions is not part of MVSc/ PhD thesis project and also has not been presented for any other award or certificate in ISVS or other forum.
  4. The candidate(s) have also to submit an undertaking that he/she has no objection for publishing the presented clinical paper in IJVS as per clause no.9 This will be a mandatory clause for acceptance of paper.
  5. In case the candidate have not  enclosed necessary certificate/undertaking as mentioned above along with application , his/her candidature will not be considered for presentation/ Award.
  6. The candidate should present the work in person at the time of the conference.
  7. A “cooling off period” of three years is mandatory for the winner as the name of the winner candidate will not be considered for same award for next three years.
  8. Number of Author should be one


  1. The Executive Secretary/ Joint Secretary/Additional Secretary shall appoint a three member judging committee, a chairman and two members to evaluate the work presented by the candidate for the award (One member should preferably be from the Field) .The members should preferably not be from same Institution/ College/University/ State . The Executive Secretary/ Joint Secretary/ Additional Secretary will act as Member Secretary to the committee but he will not have any voting power.
  2. The majority decision of the selection committee shall be final. In case all the three judges differ, the final verdict shall be with the President of the ISVS.
  3. The name of the winner candidate may be declared in the concluding session of the annual conference.



(Certificate and Medal)



  1. The candidate shall be a life member of ISVS for at least five years.
  2. He/ She should hold at least MVSc degree in Veterinary Surgery/ Anesthesiology/radiology and working as Assistant Professor and above in any Veterinary college / Institution/ Veterinary University/ Agriculture university.
  3. The clinical work presented should be related to Veterinary Surgery/ Anaesthesiology/ Radiology/ Imaging and should not be of routine nature.
  4. He/ She should present the paper in person at the time of symposium
  5. The work presented should have been carried out independently under Indian field conditions.
  6. The work should not be part of MVSc/ PhD thesis and have been carried out at Indian Territory at academic institution.
  7. The work presented for the award should not have been presented for any other award or certificate in ISVS or any other forum.
  8. The presentation should be completed in 10 minutes (8 minutes for presentation with 2 minutes for discussion.
  9. The paper adjudged for award will be property of ISVS and will be published in IJVS.
  10. A certificate to effect of clause 5 to 7 and undertaking for clause 9 have to be submitted with application by the candidate(s)
  11. Minimum of three entries/ applicants is mandatory for competitive evaluation/ screening of applications for the award. In case if number of applicants is less than three, application (s) should be deferred for consideration for next symposium. The applicant should be informed accordingly.In case total applicants are less than three even in next ISVS symposium, the award competition will be scheduled regardless of number of applicant. The award shall be presented annually at the time of annual conference of ISVS.
  12. The award shall be presented annually at the time of annual conference of ISVS.
  13. Award winner (First Author) shall receive a medal and certificate.
  14. Number of authors may be more than one but First author will compete for the Award.


  1. The author contesting for the award shall have to submit abstract of the work in not more than 150 words and complete paper regarding the work (as per the guidelines & format of IJVS) before the last date of receipt of papers for the annual conference to the Executive Secretary through Email
  2. The author should submit his/her complete bio-data along with necessary certificates in proof of his/ her being in service and years of service completed.
  3. The candidate should submit a certificate that the work presented is originally carried out by him/her under Indian field conditions, is not part of MVSc/ PhD thesis project and also has not been presented for any other award or certificate in ISVS or other forum.
  4. The candidate(s) have also to give an undertaking that he/she has no objection for publishing the presented paper in IJVS as per clause no. 9 above. This will be a mandatory clause for acceptance of paper
  5. In case the candidate(s) has not enclosed necessary certificate/undertaking as mentioned above along with application , his/her candidature will not be considered for presentation/ Award
  6. The author should present the work in person at the time of the conference.
  7. A “cooling off period” of three years is mandatory for the winner as the name of the winner candidate will not be considered for same award for next three years.


  1. The Executive Secretary/ Joint Secretary/ Additional Secretary shall appoint a committee of three judges, a chairman and two members who are not completing for the award to determine the awardees. The members should preferably not be from same Institution/ College/University/ State. The Executive Secretary/ Joint Secretary/ Additional Secretary shall act as Member Secretary to the committee but he will not have any voting power.
  2. The majority decision of the selection committee shall be final. In case all the three judges differ, the final verdict shall be with the President of the ISVS.
  3. The name of the winner candidate may be declared in the concluding session of the annual conference



(Certificate and Medal)



  1. The candidate should be a life member of ISVS for five years.
  2. He/ She should hold at least MVSc degree in Veterinary Surgery, Anesthesiology, and Radiology.
  3. He/ She should present the paper in person in the Young Surgeon Award Session in ISVS symposium.
  4. He/ She should be less than 35 years on the last date of filing the application. Proof of age should be enclosed with application.
  5. The work presented should not be part of the MVSc/ PhD thesis.
  6. The work presented should be original and related to Veterinary Surgery/ Anaesthesiology/ Radiology/Imaging and should have been carried out in Indian Territory.
  7. The work presented for the award should not have been presented for any other award or certificate in ISVS or any other forum
  8. The presentation should be completed in 15 minutes (10 minutes for presentation with 5 minutes for discussion)
  9. The paper presented for award will be property of ISVS and will be published in IJVS
  10. A certificate to effect of clause 5 to 7 and undertaking for clause 9 have to be submitted with application by the candidate(s)
  11. Minimum of three entries/ applicants is mandatory for competitive evaluation/ screening of applications for the award. In case if number of applicants is less than three, application (s) should be deferred for consideration for next symposium. The applicant should be informed accordingly. In case total applicants are less than three even in next ISVS symposium, the award competition will be scheduled regardless of numbers of applicant.
  12. The award shall be presented annually at the time of annual conference of ISVS.
  13. Award winner (First Author) shall receive a medal and certificate.
  14. It is a onetime award. The onetime awardee will not be eligible for the award.
  15. Number of authors may be more than one but First author will compete for Award


  1. The candidate contesting for the award shall have to submit abstract of the work in not more than 150words and complete paper regarding the work (as per the guidelines & format of IJVS) before the last date of receipt of papers for the annual conference to the Executive Secretary through Email.
  2. The author should submit his/her complete bio-data along with necessary certificates in proof of his candidature. Attested photocopies of his/ her high school certificate for proof of date of birth.
  3. The author(s) shall submit a certificate to the effect that the work has been carried out independently, it has not been published elsewhere and it is not from MVSc/ PhD thesis project and also has not been presented for any other award or certificate in ISVS or any other forum.
  4. The candidate(s) have also to give an undertaking that he/she has no objection for publishing the presented paper in IJVS as per clause no. 9. This will be a mandatory clause for acceptance of paper.
  5. In case the candidate(s) has not enclosed necessary certificate/undertaking as mentioned above along with application , his/her candidature will not be considered for presentation/ Award
  6. The author should present the work in person at the time of the conference


  1. The Executive Secretary/ Joint Secretary/ Additional Secretary shall appoint a committee of three judges, a chairman and two members who are not completing for the award to determine the awardees. The members should not be from same Institution/ College/University/ State. The Executive Secretary/ Joint Secretary/ Additional Secretary shall act as Member Secretary to the committee but he will not have any voting power.
  2. The majority decision of the selection committee shall be final. In case all the three judges differ, the final verdict shall be with the President of the ISVS.
  3. The name of the winner candidate may be declared in the concluding session of the annual conference.

(Certificate and Medal)
(For Best Research Paper published in Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery)



  1. The author(s) should be a life member of ISVS .
  2. The authors should hold at least MVSc degree in Veterinary Surgery.
  3. All research articles published in Volume I and II of the year (June and December) will jointly be considered for the award excluding the papers already awarded for the different ISVS awards.
  4. The published work should be related to Veterinary Surgery/ Anesthesiology/ Radiology/Imaging , should be carried out in Indian Territory and should not have been published/ accepted in any other journal.
  5. A certificate of undertaking for point FOUR above should be submitted by the authors
  6. The award shall be bestowed annually at the time of annual conference of ISVS.
  7. Award winner(s) shall receive a medal and certificate.



  1. The Executive Secretary/ Joint Secretary/ Additional Secretary shall appoint a committee of three judges, a chairman and two members who are not the applicant for the award to determine the awardees. The judging committee members should not preferably be from same Institution/ College/University/ State. Names of members must not be disclosed to other members’ .The Executive Secretary/ Joint Secretary/ Additional Secretary shall act as Member Secretary to the committee but he will not have any voting power.
  2. One copy of Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery (Volume I and II) will be sent to each judging committee members nominated by Executive Secretary/ Joint Secretary /Additional Secretary with approval of Executive council for screening and evaluation of published research papers. The judges will submit the result independently to the Executive Secretary.
  3. The majority decision of the screening committee shall be final. In case all the three judges differ, the final verdict shall be with the President of the ISVS.



(Certificate and Medal)
(For Best Clinical Article published in Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery)



  1. The author(s) should be a life member of ISVS
  2. The authors should hold at least MVSc degree in Veterinary Surgery.
  3. All the clinical articles published in Volume I and II of IJVS of the year (June and December) will be considered for the award excluding the papers already awarded for the different ISVS awards.
  4. The published work should be related to Veterinary Surgery/ Anesthesiology/ Radiology/Imaging, should have been carried out in Indian Territory and should not have been published/ accepted in any other journal.
  5. The article on prospective or retrospective study and short communications will not be
  6. The article should not be part of research work carried out for awarding a degree by a recognized University
  7. A certificate of undertaking for points 4-6 should be submitted by the authors .
  8. The award shall be bestowed annually at the time of annual conference of ISVS.
  9. The first author of the article will be honored with a gold medal and certificate. The co-authors will be honoured with certificates.



  1. The Executive Secretary/ Joint Secretary/ Additional Secretary shall appoint a committee of three judges, a chairman and two members who are not applicants for the award to determine the awardee.. The judging committee members should not preferably be from same Institution/ College/University/ State. Names of members must not be disclosed to other members. The Executive Secretary/ Joint Secretary /Additional Secretary shall act as Member Secretary to the committee but he will not have any voting power.
  2. One copy of Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery (Volume I and II) will be sent to each judging committee members nominated by Executive Secretary/ Joint Secretary/ Additional Secretary with approval of Executive Council for screening and evaluation of published clinical article. The judges will submit the result independently to the Executive Secretary.
  3. The majority decision of the screening committee shall be final. In case all the three judges differ, the final verdict shall be with the President of the ISVS.

(Gold Medal: Certificate and Medal)      (Appreciation Award: Certificate)
(Extempore for Post-graduate Students)



  1. Pursuing MVSc or PhD in Veterinary Surgery & Radiology.
  2. Academic staff/ faculty member will not be eligible to participate.
  3. Maximum 12 participants. A minimum of three M.V.Sc. and three Ph.D Students to conduct the competition.



  1. General Quiz – Multiple Choice for selecting12 candidates
  2. In case of tie candidate with highest OGPA will be selected



  1. The speech is intended to reveal a competitor’s ability to develop a point of view on a general technical topic and to deliver an impromptu speech within limited preparation time.
  2. Each participant will be given 5 minutes to speak extempore on a topic picked up by him/her.
  3. Bunch of the topics will be given in order to select any one randomly.
  4. He/she will be given 2 minutes prior to the speech to think over the topic.
  5. Participant has to speak only in English.
  6. Maximum time limit to think over the topic will be 2 minutes and the maximum time for speech will be 5 minutes.
  7. Participant will be allowed to select the topic once only.
  8. Participants will not be allowed to take any paper or material with him or her during the speech.
  9. Paper will be provided to make notes about the topic but they will not be allowed to carry them for the speech.
  10. A warning bell is given at the end of 3 minutes.
  11. Two minutes for question to be moderated by Chairman of the session.
  12. Award will be given to the first two participants. one for M.V.Sc. and one for Ph. D students



  1. Judging for clarity of thought, logical organization, sincerity and the effective use of English.
  2. In the case of a tie, the winner will be decided by the panel of judges by mutual discussion.
  3. Appointment of the judging committee will be done by the Executive secretary with Approval President ISVS.