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Guidelines for Organising Secretary

Guidelines for Organising Secretary

General Guidelines for Organizing Secretary/ Convener of ISVS Convention/ Congress/ Symposium


  1. The name of Organizing Secretary shall be approved by Executive Council/ General body. He or She is to be the senior faculty/officer from the place where symposium/ conference/ seminar/ workshop is to be organized.
  2. The Organizing Secretary will be fully responsible for overall physical, technical and financial arrangements of the symposium/ conference/ seminar/ workshop.


Preparatory Guidelines

  1. The core committee to be constituted by the organizing secretary will have members preferably from the Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology. However, the members from other departments of the Institution may be enrolled in the local committees.
  2. The Organizing Secretary must finalise the symposium title/ theme, dates, lead paper speaker(s) and technical sessions schedule in due consultation with the Executive Secretary with approval of the Executive Council ISVS before circulation.
  3. The information brochure and list of ISVS awards with regulations to be approved by the Executive Secretary with approval of the Executive Council of ISVS prior to publication and circulation.
  4. The Organizing Secretary is to ensure that the deadline for submission of abstracts will be at least one month before the scheduled dates of symposium. Abstracts received late must not be considered/ included in the compendium.
  5. The technical committee of the organising/ host institute will have a sole responsibility of screening the abstracts, allocating the sessions and ensuring the ethics pertaining to number of authors as per quality and quantity of the work.
  6. The technical session schedule (list of the abstracts along with allocated sessions) and compendium soft copy is to be provided to the Executive Secretary, ISVS at least 10 days prior to the date of symposium.
  7. The Organizing Secretary of concerned ISVS Symposium may propose three names of eminent personalities with resumes from the field of Veterinary Sciences/ one Health Science/ Animal Resource Development or Rural Development preferably from geographical area of Venue of the symposium for Oration Award to the Executive Secretary at least three months prior to date of symposium.


Financial Guidelines

  1. The Organizing Secretary is to be fully responsible for arranging appropriate funds for the successful organization of the event.
  2. Prior permission shall be taken from the Executive Secretary to open a bank account for organizing the conference. The account shall be operated jointly by two members of the organizing Committee preferably other than the Organizing Secretary/ Convener. The signatures of persons operating the account be also got verified from the Executive Secretary. Such account in Bank must be closed within a maximum of six months after the dates of the conference.
  3. It is mandatory on part of the Organizing Secretary of a conference to provide complete accounts of the Convention/ Congress/ Symposium/ Conference, duly audited by a Charted Accountant to the Executive Secretary/ Treasurer of the ISVS, as soon as possible, and latest before the next Convention. The balance amount must be deposited in the main bank account of ISVS at Head Quarter Hisar through the Treasurer/ Executive Secretary.


Guidelines for Technical Sessions

  1. Before the inaugural session, arrangement will be made for hoisting the Flag of the Society by the President ISVS or in his absence senior most Vice-President.
  2. The Organizing Secretary to finalize sitting arrangement of dignitaries on the Dias during inaugural and general body/ plenary sessions with due consultation the Executive Secretary and concurrence of Advisor and President ISVS.
  3. Name of any person to be felicitated will not be decided by the Organizing Secretary/ Convener of Symposium at his own level except for in case of local dignitaries, Vice-Chancellors and other officers of the Host University/ Institute. In such cases, plaque and/ or citation of ISVS will not be awarded and felicitation will be as per local customs.
  4. The Organizing Secretary must ensure that no more than three technical sessions are conducted in parallel at a given time. The schedule of technical sessions is to be finalized date/ day wise in consultation with the Executive Secretary and should be clearly indicated in the technical bulletin. In no case the deviation is permitted, with exceptions only after approval from the Executive Secretary, ISVS.
  5. The Organizing Secretary must ensure that the number of lead papers should be restricted to only one in each session.
  6. The Lead paper is to be substituted/ replaced by Lifetime Achievement for Excellence presentations in concerned technical session(s).
  7. There should not be lead paper in competitive Award sessions i.e. M.R. Patel Best Field Veterinarian Award, Best Clinician Award and Young Surgeon Award.
  8. Single clinical case report(s) should be accepted only for poster presentation.
  9. As far as possible, Chairman and/ or Rapporteurs of the technical sessions should not have any paper in the session being conducted by them. They should be intimated well in advance about their appointment, and their consent and availability should be taken.
  10. The Organizing Secretary must ensure that technical sessions must not be compromised for want of local visits. In other words, local visit(s) must not be scheduled during technical sessions except for ladies and children.
  11. The poster sessions materials must remain displayed through all days of the Convention. The author for poster papers should be requested to be present during the tea break near his/ her posters so that members of judging committee and delegates can seek clarifications if needed.
  12. The Organizing Secretary should make all necessary arrangements for smooth conduct of technical sessions. Any deficit may immediately be attended and rectified by the organizing team. Feasibility of Internet and video camera facilities during Technical sessions should be explored and if possible should be arranged.
  13. The Organizing Secretary to ensure the availability of ad lib drinking water and tea / coffee during/ in between/ after the technical sessions for the delegates.


General Considerations

  1. The Organizing Secretary should personally monitor the boarding and lodging facilities arranged for the delegates. The accommodation of Society Patrons, Advisor, President, Executive Secretary, Additional Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer should be provided preferably at one place near to the venue of symposium/ seminar/ workshop
  2. Accompanied persons with delegates will include only spouse and two children less than 10 years of age. In case a delegate is accompanied by other person (s), he/she has to make his/her own arrangement for their boarding & lodging.
  3. The Organizing Secretary to ensure the adequate transportation facilities for timely pick up and drop of the delegates, especially seniors and ladies delegates during the Symposium/ Conference/ Seminar/ Workshop.
  4. Efforts should be made to organize exhibition of books/ equipments/ instruments/ professional and technical products for the benefit and knowledge of the delegates
  5. The Organizing Secretary is responsible to submit the soft copies of photographs, videos, compendium etc to the society headquarters for record and updating website within a month after the event.
  6. Organizing Secretary must avoid arrangement of female dancer during gala dinner. Cultural program may be arranged as per local custom.

