Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery was created by the Stalwarts of Veterinary Surgery in India under the leadership of Late Dr RPS Tyagi in 1977. The Society started its own Journal, the Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery in 1980. The aim of the Journal was to publish recent research findings, interesting clinical case studies, scientific reviews in upcoming area of research, book reviews and views of the learned faculty in the discipline of Veterinary Surgery, Radiology, Anaesthesia and related fields. Since its inception the journal has taken a long journey. My predecessor Dr Amresh Kumar and Dr G.R. Singh, as editor or chief editor have made tremendous efforts for timely publication of the Journal and attracting good scientific material for publication in the journal. As a result of their efforts, the journal has got good standing among the journals published by professional societies in the field of veterinary sciences in India. Earlier two issues were published in the months of January and July every year, but later it was decided to publish the issues in the month of June and December every year. In each issue 25-30 papers are published submitted by the members of ISVS, faculty of Veterinary Surgery and radiology, the practicing veterinarians and experts in related fields from all corners of the country and sometimes from the foreign/ countries. The members of the societies are supplied with hard copies of the published journal and it is also subscribed by most of veterinary Institutions in India and other important agencies at national and International level. The soft copies of the published journals are also available at indianjournal.com, which can be accessed by the members free of any cost.
Though papers are published on each aspects of Veterinary Surgery, during recent years there has been an influx of papers on diagnostic imaging. This aspect had been lagging behind the veterinary surgery and anaesthesia for last many years but now there is a renewed interest in diagnostic imaging in Veterinary Surgery mainly due to the availability of logistics and expertise in ultrasonography, a nonhazardous and non-invasive diagnostic tool. Other areas of interest among the follow Veterinary Surgeons have been anaesthesiology, orthopaedic surgery, endoscopy and laparoscopic surgery, in addition to the interesting clinical case studies. In future, we expect to receive more & more manuscripts in areas like cancer chemotherapy, biomaterials, tissue regeneration, stem cell therapy, neurosurgery, robotic surgery, joint surgery & joint prosthesis, etc. and advanced diagnostic techniques such as application of CT, MRI and PETCT in animals. I am sure that with the support of the members of the society, the journal will continue to serve its purpose for which it was started 40 years back.